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All married couples, even those in healthy and good relationships can encounter stress, conflict, and discord. At times conflict can inspire spouses to learn to work together to get their needs met. However, it’s also very common for conflict to turn unhealthy, and lead to a situation where spouses feel alone, tense, or upset about the future of their relational bond.
The stress of modern-day busy schedules can be at the root of many relationship issues. Between work responsibilities, socializing events, parenting duties, personal care, and hobbies, it is difficult to make time for partners to connect and maintain a healthy level of emotional intimacy. Adding to this problem, many couples may rely heavily on technology to connect with their spouse by using social media, texting, or phone calls. Often this is quick and easy way to stay in touch. However, not making time for or avoiding intimate face-to-face interactions with one another can lead to dissatisfaction in the relationship. It is important to plan and prioritize individual, interpersonal time with your spouse and not overuse technology.