Company description
Restaurant and Lounge. Full service casual. Garden Patio is open weather permitting. Steaks, Salads, Seafood, Vegetarian. Homemade desserts, sausage, BBQ, Ribs, salad dressings, unpretentious value
More details
- Payment Accepted
- Traveler's Check, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
- Features
- RV Parking, Non Somking Dining Room and Lounge, Lounge open every day at 4:30pm
- Closing Hours Vary
- Midnight Fri/Sat 11 ish the rest of the time except Sunday at 10
- Rating
- 78% of 14 people liked it on Urbanspoon
- Dog Friendly Patio
- Bow-wow
- Web Site