Company description
Looking Your Best: Huddleston IV Sam W MD offers Physicians services in Kingsport TN, TN area.
More details
- Insurance Accepted
- Insurance Accepted include BCBS;BCBS Blue Card PPO;CIGNA HMO;CIGNA Open Access;CIGNA PPO;First Health PPO;Humana ChoiceCare Network PPO;Multiplan PPO;PHCS PPO;UHC Choice Plus POS;UHC Options PPO
- Medical School Recognition
- Out of the 5467 physicians who graduated from University Of Tennessee Health Science Center College Of Medicine, 76% are HealthGrades' Recognized.
- Consumer Searches
- Out of 3 Plastic Surgery physicians in Kingsport, TN, Dr. Huddleston is ranked 2nd in the number of searches on Healthgrades' site.
- Fellowship Recognition
- Out of the 153 providers who completed their fellowship at Case Western Reserve University, 90% are HealthGrades' Recognized.
- Residency Recognition
- Out of the 68 providers who completed their residency at East Tennessee State University, 63% are HealthGrades' Recognized.
- Hospital Affiliation
- Holston Valley Medical Center;Indian Path Medical Center;Johnson City Medical Center;Johnson City Specialty Hospital
- Assurances
- Accredited, Certified, Insured, Licensed, Locally Owned, References Available
- Procedure
- Cosmetic Surgery, Dermabrasion, Injections, Liposuction, Reconstructive Surgery
- Most Recent Updated Information
- Confirmed: Dr. Huddleston's practice location is at 2002 Brookside Dr, Kingsport, TN.
- Insurance
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, Great-West Healthcare, Independence Blue Cross
- Details
- Associations: American Board of Plastic Surgery, Service Options: Consultations
- Services
- Breasts, Eyelid Surgery, Facial Reconstruction, Neck, Stomach
- Professional Membership
- FACS, Tn Med Assoc, ASPRS, AMA, Tennessee Medical Association
- Physician Name
- Samuel Winston Huddleston, MD, Huddleston Samuel Winston, MD
- Send medical information to SAMUEL HUDDLESTON, MD
- Payment Accepted
- Care Credit, Financing, Insurance Accepted
- Specialist
- Plastic Surgeon, Surgeon (Plastic Surgeon)
- Specialty
- Surgery (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)
- Medical School
- Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
- Accepting New Patients
- Currently accepting new patients
- Email
- [email protected]
- Practice
- Outpatient Surgery
- Hospital Affiliation Rank
- 4 out of 4 stars
- Medical School Rank
- 3 out of 4 stars
- Service
- Tattoo Removal
- Date Of Most Recent Update
- 06/03/2010
- Language Spoken
- Spanish
- Middle Name
- Winston
- Gender
- Male
- Sex
- Male
- Licensing State
- TN
- Medical Degree
- MD
- Years Since Graduation
- 27
- Degree
- MD
- Years Experience
- 23
- Web Site