Company description
Doctors at this location: Dr. Biscette, Dr. Bueche, Dr. Doshi, Dr. Dunn, Dr. Ebert, Dr. Landay, Dr. Lang, Dr. LeTarte, Dr. MacKersie, Dr. Moore, Dr. Pearlman, Dr. Rice, Dr. Saxe, Dr. Yeomans, Dr. You
More details
- Licensed
- No (All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves.)
- Specialities
- Financing Available, Eye Exams, Experienced Staff, New Patients Welcome, Extensive Selection, Contacts & Eyeware, Competitive Prices, Over 40 Years, Outside Prescriptions Filled, Lasik, Uniquely Safe, Eyewear
- Brands
- Uniquely Precise|Predictably Better Results|Outside Prescription Filled|Online-Re-Ordering|Online Re-Ordering|Online Re Ordering|Lasik Laser Vision Correction|Laser Vision Correction|Eye Care
- Number Of Physicians Recognized
- 17 physicians in this practice are HealthGrades' Recognized.
- Send medical information to Lansing Ophthalmology, P.C.
- Features
- procedures performed on site?
- Physician Name
- Lansing Ophthalmology, P.C.
- Group Name
- Lansing Ophthalmology
- Specialties
- Ophthalmology
- Date Of Most Recent Report
- 6/12/2010
- On Angie's List Since
- 10/9/2008
- Specialty
- Optometry
- Year Established
- 1966
- Group Practice Patient Approximate Volume Per Day (average)
- 120
- Number Of Physicians At This Location
- 17
- Web Site