Company description
A Ladies Handbags is an integral part of her suit. A handbag is more than essentials from a travel bag. Easy to carry. It’s a fashion statement for her. You can say, a way to express her style and test. Designer Handbag come in many shapes, sizes, colors, prices and labels. Such as , Satchel bags , Bucket bag, Barrel bags, Tote bags etc.
Satchel bag part is a big loose sack connected to a long strap. Women usually wear satchel bags, but it’s also acceptable for men. A bucket bag is exactly what the name sounds like. The bag part is in the form of a bucket, with a little less cylindrical shape. Barrel bags are long cylindrical bags. They have a lot of room inside. The Stylish Handbag usually have long straps so that the bag comes down to the stomach. Tote bags are perfect for running errands and for going to the beach or pool. They’re large bags with small to medium straps. Usually in this bag do not have a zipper. Tote bags are made from a very durable fabric to resist water and sand. A clutch is mostly used for formal events. It’s a small bag — circular, oval, rectangular, or square. The clutch is held in one hand. It’s vary rarely to comes with a strap. Clutches are usually made from good quality and embellished to look more glamorous. There isn’t much space in a clutch, this is only enough for essentials- cell phone, lipstick, money.
Fatima Goita designs are modern but inspired by classical elements. She Fall in love with exotic skins, along with unique material and accessories, blending African culture and colors with modern. Her luxury handbags and clutches in this collection are handcrafted in Italian local artisans.
So believe in your style statement. Walk with Fatima Goita designs. Because Ladies knows beauty can flourish the world. The world of Designer Handbag, outfit of women fashion.