Company description
Justin Davis is a freelance graphic artist/designer that works mainly with design, illustrations, and photography.
About me:
My artworks aren’t built to go in a certain direction, but rather constructed simply from my own imagination and memory from different points of my life and my thought processes. Growing up, I never thought of myself as the artist-type even with my active imagination. Throughout my childhood, I was only drawn to art styles and graphics that came from tv, video games, comics, manga, or decorative design products; all things that got me interested in graphic design. Over time however, I began to expand my horizons and learn from many different fields such as math, sciences, politics, history, and the traditional arts. I adapted a more logical and rational viewpoint of the world and to this day find a bit of struggle in getting a good balance between logical thinking and my creative side, (the old left vs. right brain feud). Using different variety of media and techniques (mostly those that require a pen or pencil tool whether physical or electronic), I make my artworks around the premise of using visuals either from imagination or memory and construct them with both a logical and imaginative viewpoint. I am mostly drawn to simplistic flat-styles of design and painting that often use a combination of bright and dark colors. I do plan on drawing and making more complex and detail styles of work in the future as I improve. What I try to accomplish is using all the things that I learn and things that I either find interesting, amazing and aspire to invoke a certain reaction from the viewers, which can lead me to seeing their own viewpoints. It is my ambition that this will instill a lesson or wisdom on the viewers that can make them think or impact their lives in some way. While at the moment, I don’t have a certain direction in mind about where to take my art, I plan on researching, practicing, and experimenting with different things so that I can take my art to further heights and find something that I’m really passionate about and to strive for.