Izzybell Boutique LLC

0 reviews


170 West 750 North
Clearfield 84015
United States
Phone number:
(801) 808-9334

Accepted payments

Visa payment accepted American Express payment accepted Mastercard payment accepted Paypal payment accepted Discover payment accepted

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Company description

Izzybell Jewelry started as two busy moms who loved the benefits of Aromatherapy and loved the look of fashion and set out to merge both together in a fun unique way. Our dream is to help others around the world feel their best self inside and out. We specialize in Functional yet fashionable jewelry and infuse each piece with positive affirmations before the packaging process. Our business is about inspiring, lifting and giving back to the world. Hoping to change a life, one necklace at a time. Our goal is to help our friends all around the world experience greater health and wellbeing and look FABULOUS while doing it. Fashion meets function with our beautiful yet beneficial jewelry and accessories.


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