Company description
There’s a bit of the Grand Bazaar at work at the new Istanbul Cafe, they're trying to provide a very authentic atmosphere to their customers with its decoration. The cafe provides generous portions.
More details
- Payment Accepted
- American Express, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
- Subway
- 1/9 to 59th St/Columbus Cir, A/B/C/D to 59th St/Columbus Cir, N/R to 57th St -- 0.2
- Features
- Delivery Take Out Major Credit Cards, delivery
- Price
- Moderate. About $16 to $30 per person.
- Rating
- 66% of 9 people liked it on Urbanspoon
- Cuisine
- Middle Eastern, Mediterranean
- Promotions
- Make Sure You Check It Out!
- Email
- Crossstreets
- 57th and 8th
- Web Site