Company description
igotsober Alcohol & Opioid Recovery Center, a BioCorRx partner, offers a groundbreaking dual-approach Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) program. Located in Omaha NE the program foundation is built around a tiny, revolutionary pellet implant that slowly releases the non-narcotic, non-addictive, FDA-approved medicine Naltrexone. This 100% biodegradable implant not only removes or largely eliminates the desire for alcohol or drugs, but it blocks their effects as well. The program backbone consists of a comprehensive, 100% confidential, outpatient recovery support structure: 1) Sixteen intensive 1 on 1 personalized sessions with one of our highly credentialed counselors 2) up to 12 months of Certified Peer Recovery Support 3) Recovery Coaching 24/7 and 4) a cost that is about 1/2 that of traditional programs.