Company description
OUR PHILOSOPHY ON SEO: The search engines, like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing, are content machines. They serve as revenue generators by attracting the most "clients" possible. Those clients are... all of us! Every time we go to a search engine, we choose, consciously or subconsciously, the one we believe will give us the best result (for 70% of us, that's Google, but that preference could change in the future - Remember how crazy everyone was for MySpace?) They then serve us up ads right next to the relevant search results, and for some of them, 96%+ of their revenue is generated from those ads! Their goal, then, is to attract the largest user base possible, by serving them the most relevant content possible as the meat and cheese on their advertisement sandwich. What we do, then, is not "game the system" as was common a decade ago - no, the search engines are too sophisticated for spamming millions of backlinks these days. Now, the approach requires more finesse. Now, the approach requires giving the search engines what they want. Content. Relevant and usually localized content that shows who is the best result among scores (or hundreds) of possible contenders. To the winners go the spoils - 90%+ of all searches never leave page one. Our job is to help the search engines see YOU as the most relevant result. If you're interested in learning more about what we do and how we do it, take 10 minutes and fill out our discovery form, and we'll be in touch if you're a good fit.