Company description
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine clinic specializing in treatment of pain and injury. Also treating digestion issues, infertility, insomnia, allergies, quit smoking, headaches, and much more.
More details
- Message
- Holistic Acupuncture clinic is a Chinese medicine clinic that focuses on each individual, and not just a list of their symptoms. I work hard to educate my patients about how Chinese medicine works, and what it can do for them. Chinese medicine is the oldest continuously practiced form of medicine in the world, being utilized effectively for over three thousand years. With little to no side effects, and this kind of time proven track record, Chinese medicine has shown itself to be a valuable tool in your healthcare. I help people everyday with problems they have suffered with for too long. Many of them have been turned away by numerous other professionals. You owe it to yourself to find out what your options are. Please call today for a FREE consultation.
- Services
- Services offered include: acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, cupping, moxibustion, and CranioSacral therapy. We carry a large line of safe, effective, easy to take Chinese herbal formulas for many different conditions.
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