HMS Marketing TV

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2600 Outrigger Lane
Naples 34104
United States
Phone number:


9:00 - 5:30
9:00 - 5:30
9:00 - 5:30
9:00 - 5:30
9:00 - 5:30

Location on map


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Company description

"Review marketing is one of the most important aspects of marketing today for any business. Just consider how buying trends have changed over the years. The buying process starts with awareness about your product or service. From there they will conduct a search for “your business name reviews” into a search engine and carefully read the reviews. That’s right. People are now basing their next action upon the reviews they find on the web about your business. Consumers no longer call or visit a business just from an advertisement. consumers are conducting their own research before buying.
We provide marketing solutions that address our clients’ most pressing challenges. People buy from businesses they like and trust, and they now trust online reviews as much as personal referrals.
For a local business looking to uncover new opportunities and grow, ask yourself these question:
Are You LOSING sales due to a poor business reputation or NO online reputation at all?
Are You Known As The Local Market Leader In Your Industry?
Do You Know How To Create A 5 Star Reputation Culture In Your Business?
Reputation marketing is the act of growing your reputation and then using those testimonials and reviews to earn the trust and attention. One bad review will stop potential clients, customers and patients from trusting you before you even get a chance to meet them. Reputation marketing focuses on sharing your 5 star reputation across the internet.
Reputation Marketing
PPC Managment (Google Adwords, Facebook Advertising)
Website Design and Management
Mobile Sites
Mobile Marketing
Back End Systems Specialist
Video Marketing
Lead Generation
Social Media Marketing


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