Company description
Healthy Little Eaters is all about empowering children, youth and adults to eat healthy. Often children and adults don't do what is right for them if they lack the knowledge and bigger picture. Our product fills that void by expressing and demonstrating how fruit and vegetables help our body. It’s delivered in a way that involves people of all ages to get involved.There are 24 cards which make 12 colour coded pairs. An example is the red cards for Tomato & Heart. The Tomato Card has a animated smiling tomato on it, and says "Eat tomatoes for a strong pumping heart". The Heart Card has a picture of a heart and says "Among other powerful antioxidants, tomatoes are packed with lycopene. Lycopene can help to keep your heart and blood healthy and maintain a healthy blood pressure." The last message being for teenagers to young adults. The simple colour coding for younger.There are various games and strategies with the cards. (At least 4 ways to play). Young kids may not be able to read at all but they can identify the colours and pictures. Kids learning to read, can learn easy words like 'Corn'. Older kids may inquire, "What's an antioxidant?". Hence the cards not only capture a wide age range but it allows teenagers and young adults to teach the younger ones. Parents can also be involved. Not just by supplying more fruits and vegetables, but if you slice a tomato in half, what does it look like?Parents can expect kids to become more internally motivated & curious towards eating healthier foods. Parents can ask and give youth the responsibility or tools to help teach the younger ones healthier eating habits.