Company description
A fast friendly funky neighborhoody establishment featuring house-made cuisine and a vast selection of microbrews, including 15 rotating drafts. A generous wine pour and award-winning outdoor seating!
More details
- Payment Accepted
- Visa, American Express, MasterCard, Traveler's Check, Cash, Discover, American Express, MasterCard, Traveler's Check, Cash, Discover
- Rating
- 86% of 284 people liked it on Urbanspoon
- Email
- Technology
- 802.11b Wi-Fi
- Wi-fi Hotspot
- Available
- Distance
- 3.8 miles
- Average Purchase Amount Per Transaction
- $42.24
- Average Spend Per User Per Month
- $65.68
- Dress Code
- Casual
- Paytype
- free
- Average Purchases Per Month
- 1.54
- Stars
- 5.0
- Web Site