Company description
Retail Hardware Store offering everything for the Do-It-Yourselfer and the contractor alike. Specializing in Benajamin Moore & Valspar Paint, Weber Grills, Plumbing, and other maintenance supplies.
More details
- Specialities
- Electrical, Diamond Crystal, Deck Grills, Cylinders, Complete Locksmith Service, Complete Line Int/Ext Products, Color Computer Matching, Cleaning Supplies, Cargill, Built-Ins, America's Finest Paint, Key's
- Payment Accepted
- Visa, American Express, MasterCard, Traveler's Check, Check, Cash, Discover, Invoice, American Express, MasterCard, Traveler's Check, Check, Cash, Discover, Invoice
- Brands
- Valspar|Frequent Customer Discount|Home Delivery Available|Willmar's Every Day|Weber Grills & Accessories|Weber Grill Hq|Solar Salt|Portables|Plumbing Supplies|Paint Applicators|Paint|Lock's
- Email
- Product
- Barbecues
- Service
- Repair
- Web Site