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It’s a common problem faced by many men: What was once a smooth, flat manly chest suddenly starts to look more feminine. As fatty tissue builds up in the breast area, feminine-looking man boobs start to form. As you might guess, this condition can be highly embarrassing, and maybe even a little humiliating.
The underlying cause of gynecomastia is usually a shift in hormone levels, but this in turn can have a range of different causes. Gynecomastia is very common at some times in life: for male babies, in teenage boys during puberty and in older age. At all these times, hormone levels can change and result in gynecomastia. Male babies may have higher levels of their mother’s estrogen in their system, teenagers have a storm of hormones released during puberty which can throw the balance off for a while, and older men naturally experience a drop in their testosterone. The best course of action for all these men is usually simply to watch and wait. As hormone levels settle down, the gynecomastia usually goes away on its own and no treatment is needed.

Keywords : gynecomastia, gyno, man boobs


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