Geneva Presbyterian Church

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1755 SR-13
Saint Johns 32259
United States
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About the Business: Welcome to Geneva Presbyterian Church of St Johns, Florida! Thank you so much for your interest in our church. We understand ourselves to be a family; people of all ages and backgrounds, seeking to follow Jesus together through the ups and downs of the journey of life. We also believe that God has called us into this family for a purpose; to be a blessing to our community and world. As we share our lives together, we become part of a movement, a compelling force for God’s love that is so much bigger than our individual lives. We care passionately about people, because we believe God cares passionately about people. And we believe that God cares passionately about you. Wherever you are in your journey of faith – my prayer is that you would know the depths of God’s love for you – at the very core of who you are. And may God surround you with a family of faith who will encourage you, challenge you and walk with you. If you don’t currently have a family of faith, we invite you to be a part of ours. Come worship with us. Come experience God’s grace with us. And may the fullness of God’s peace be with you. Peace, Joe Rev. Joseph Albright, Pastor

Keywords: Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church St Johns fl, Jacksonville Presbyterian Church, St Johns church, St Johns Presbyterian Church, Joe Albright


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