Company description
Geisinger Wyoming Valley: Ghosh Martha MD offers Physicians services in Wilkes Barre PA, PA area.
More details
- Most Recent Updated Information
- Confirmed: Dr. Ghosh's practice location is at 1000 E Mountain Blvd, Wilkes Barre, PA.
- Send medical information to MARTHA GHOSH, M.D.
- Residency
- Allegheny Univ Hosps, Med Coll Of Pa & Hosp
- Physician Name
- Martha Sue Ghosh, MD, Ghosh Martha Sue, MD
- Educational Experience
- Mcp Hahnemann Univ (formerly Allegheny Univ)
- Medical School
- Drexel University School of Medicine
- Specialty
- Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)
- Hospital Affiliation
- Geisinger Medical Center/Danville
- Specialist
- Internist (Gastroenterologist)
- Professional Certification
- Internal Medicine
- Hospital Affiliation Rank
- 3 out of 4 stars
- Medical School Rank
- 2 out of 4 stars
- Average Wait Time
- 10.0 minutes
- Date Of Most Recent Update
- 04/09/2010
- Gender
- Female
- Sex
- Female
- Middle Name
- Sue
- Degree
- MD
- Years Experience
- 15
- Years In Practice
- 16
- Number Of Publications
- 1
- Web Site