FuneralCall, The Funeral Home Answering Service

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210 Corporate Drive
Carrollton GA 30117
United States
Phone number:

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Company description

FuneralCall is a nation-wide answering service exclusively serving the Funeral Profession. We are committed to professionalism, and we honor the privacy of our customers while being extremely helpful, compassionate and efficient.

More details

FuneralCall is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We're here to answer your calls in the middle of the night, during each and every holiday, and through the most severe weather.
All-Inclusive Features
We offer several features with each of our service plans, including Recorded Calls, FirstCall Alert, and our MyFuneralCall Mobile App.
14 Day Trial
To earn your trust and confidence, and to prove that your business – and your reputation – will be in good hands, we think you should be given the chance to try us out without any risk.


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