Company description
Hello, my name is Sean Wheelwright I am 38 years old and also a leading expert in software consulting and development Bay Area technology start-ups. I've been both on the customer side and the implementer side. With my own hands I once designed, layout, programmed, tested, encouraged, then handled projects, then instructed others to achieve that. Now, I help tech companies develop and succeed. I accumulate, develop and manage business ideas to the point at which they could be successfully applied. The one thing I have never done with my own hands is design. To put it differently, I did not just observe the entire life cycle of a project from the inside, I had been involved in virtually every phase of development, often at rather large jobs. And so, seeing the entire kitchen from the inside, I keep watching the exact reasons for successes and failures.
Tech start-ups have brought in my career the requirement to fully understand the process. As a contributor or communicator, you're useless to a business if you don't know its character, its own goals, the aches it simplifies each second of its existence. Launching a startup is too complicated for one person to do this alone. Even in the event that you can do all the work yourself, you still need coworkers to emphasise or talk you from stupid decisions, and to support you when things go wrong. Both big IT companies and start-up projects are developing, with the support of consultancy organisations such as . In order to help the customer and their IT solutions to optimise the two internal business and IT strategies. I have needed to be accountable for the growth of engineering groups, such as interviews, in addition to setting clear goals and organizing team functions. I started my own career as a highly motivated and enthusiastic software engineer specialising in AI, robotics and automation. Afterwards, I started leading development groups, embedding my comprehension from Agile and implementing service-oriented architectures.