Company description
Tutor Time Child Care and Learning Center in Plymouth Township, MI is dedicated to helping your child succeed through expansive program options and dedicate, professional teachers.
The educational child care programs in our School Readiness Pathway were designed to offer a comprehensive path to prepare your child for elementary school. The School Readiness Pathway features developmentally appropriate programs with specialized curriculum for a variety of ages.
Our child care center serves parents with infants, toddlers, early preschool and preschool age children. We also house programs for pre-kindergarten, before & after school, Spring Break and Summer.
Our qualified and professional staff is dedicated to helping your child develop and advance their mental capabilities, as well as their communication and motor skills. We give them the care they need while giving them an academic challenge that is designed to prepare them for any level of education they advance to.
Tutor Time Child Care and Learning Center in Plymouth Township, MI is the only local child care that guarantees our learning environment is to your satisfaction, or you will get your money back!
Early Preschool
Before and After School
Spring Break
Summer Camp