Company description
Dr. Yasier A. Basheer-Gowi, MD offers Family Practice Physicians services in Louisville KY, KY area.
More details
- Trusted To Make Decisions?
- Based on 1 response, when asked if they trust Dr. Basheer-Gowi to make decisions or recommendations that they believe to be in their best interest, HealthGrades users on average responded 'Definitely yes.' Response is averaged using standard rounding.
- How Long Did You Wait?
- Based on 1 response, when asked how long they had to wait before seeing Dr. BasheertoGowi, HealthGrades users on average responded '16 to 30 minutes.' Response is averaged using standard rounding.
- Overall Recommendation
- Out of 1 patient that has completed a Patient Experience Survey on this provider, 100% would recommend Dr. Basheer-Gowi to their family and friends.
- Consumer Searches
- Out of 306 Family Practice physicians in Louisville, KY, Dr. Basheer-Gowi is ranked 143rd in the number of searches on Healthgrades' site.
- Insurance Accepted
- Insurance Accepted include BCBS Blue Card PPO;CIGNA PPO;Humana ChoiceCare Network PPO;UHC Choice Plus POS;UHC Options PPO
- Send medical information to YASIER BASHEER-GOWI, M.D.
- Hospital Affiliation
- Jewish Hospital;Sts Mary & Elizabeth Hospital
- Physician Name
- Specialty
- Family Practice
- Licensing State
- Gender
- Male
- Medical Degree
- MD