Company description
Dr. Tanaka’s Sports Medicine Clinic and Chiropractic Health Center is an alternative treatment facility with fast-track recovery and rehabilitation in all kinds of sports injuries, muscle spasms, spinal cord disorders, and chronic Neck and Shoulder Pain. Combining the first-hand exposure of Martial Arts, in-depth and specialized knowledge about body and brain, and extensive experience in Chiropractic health, Dr. Tanaka is committed to helping people lead a healthy, lively and energetic life away from the woes of neurological and muscular pain or struggles. He has helped notable athletes and sportsman with his Sports Injury Rehabilitation treatments to quickly and completely recover from seemingly incurable injuries, putting their career back on the track. Beyond this, Dr. Tanaka is helping people to find peace of mind and healthy brain and body without undergoing invasive methods and is helping people to regain control of their life by ensuring Treatment for Learning Disabilities and perfect spinal and neurological alignment.