Dr. Robert A. Mcnutt, MD

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29325 Health Campus Drive
OH 44145

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Dr. Robert A. Mcnutt, MD offers Internists services in Westlake OH, OH area.

More details

Trusted To Make Decisions?
Based on 8 responses, when asked if they trust Dr. Mcnutt to make decisions or recommendations that they believe to be in their best interest, HealthGrades users on average responded 'Mostly yes.' Response is averaged using standard rounding.
How Long Did You Wait?
Based on 8 responses, when asked how long they had to wait before seeing Dr. Mcnutt, HealthGrades users on average responded '16 to 30 minutes.' Response is averaged using standard rounding.
Overall Recommendation
Out of 8 patients that have completed a Patient Experience Survey on this provider, 75% would recommend Dr. Mcnutt to their family and friends.
Consumer Searches
Out of 3 Rheumatology physicians in Westlake, OH, Dr. Mcnutt is ranked 2nd in the number of searches on Healthgrades' site.
Overall Star Ratings
Based on 8 patient ratings, , HealthGrades' overall rating for Dr. Robert Mcnutt is 3.83 stars or 77%.
Hospital Affiliation
Cleveland Clinic;Community Health Partners of Oh - West;Emh Regional Medical Center;Fairview Hospital
Insurance Accepted
Insurance Accepted include CIGNA HMO;CIGNA Open Access;CIGNA PPO
Internal Medicine, Rheumatology
Physician Name
Robert A. Mcnutt
Medical Degree


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