Company description
Dr. Michael L. Williams, MD offers Internists services in Palestine TX, TX area.
More details
- Trusted To Make Decisions?
- Based on 1 response, when asked if they trust Dr. Williams to make decisions or recommendations that they believe to be in their best interest, HealthGrades users on average responded 'Definitely yes.' Response is averaged using standard rounding.
- How Long Did You Wait?
- Based on 1 response, when asked how long they had to wait before seeing Dr. Williams, HealthGrades users on average responded '10 to 15 minutes.' Response is averaged using standard rounding.
- Overall Recommendation
- Out of 1 patient that has completed a Patient Experience Survey on this provider, 100% would recommend Dr. Williams to their family and friends.
- Consumer Searches
- Out of 9 Internal Medicine physicians in Palestine, TX, Dr. Williams is ranked 4th in the number of searches on Healthgrades' site.
- Medical School Recognition
- Out of the 2816 physicians who graduated from Howard University College Of Medicine, 64% are HealthGrades' Recognized.
- Physician Name
- Michael L. Williams
- Specialty
- Internal Medicine
- Language Spoken
- Spanish
- Gender
- Male
- Medical Degree
- MD
- Years Since Graduation
- 29