Dr. Julie R. Lynch, DO

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312 South 7th Street
WI 53115

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Company description

Dr. Julie R. Lynch, DO offers Family Practice Physicians services in Delavan WI, WI area.

More details

Trusted To Make Decisions?
Based on 1 response, when asked if they trust Dr. Lynch to make decisions or recommendations that they believe to be in their best interest, HealthGrades users on average responded 'Definitely yes.' Response is averaged using standard rounding.
How Long Did You Wait?
Based on 1 response, when asked how long they had to wait before seeing Dr. Lynch, HealthGrades users on average responded '31 to 45 minutes.' Response is averaged using standard rounding.
Medical School Recognition
Out of the 791 physicians who graduated from Chicago College Of Osteopathic Medicine Of Midwestern University, Midwestern University, 59% are HealthGrades' Recognized.
Overall Recommendation
Out of 1 patient that has completed a Patient Experience Survey on this provider, 100% would recommend Dr. Lynch to their family and friends.
Consumer Searches
Out of 6 Family Practice physicians in Delavan, WI, Dr. Lynch is ranked 6th in the number of searches on Healthgrades' site.
Residency Recognition
Out of the 274 providers who completed their residency at Advocate Lutheran Gen Hospital, 82% are HealthGrades' Recognized.
Insurance Accepted
Insurance Accepted include Multiplan PPO;PHCS PPO
Family Practice
Physician Name
Julie R. Lynch
Medical Degree
Years Since Graduation


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