Donate a Car East Lansing

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521 E Grand River Ave
East Lansing 48823
United States
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Company description

We do what we do because of simple math. First, we understand that there are people in desperate need of help on a number of fronts - basic things that we may take for granted. food, shelter, access to education and access to decent employment opportunities. Second, we are all aware of the number of used vehicles in this country that sometimes are simply left to rust because newer vehicles have replaced them. Finally, we also realize that a number of hard-working folks are forced to deal with often-times unreliable public transportation.

The solution for all of the above: allow those un-needed vehicles to be donated so that they can be affordably sold to those who need transportation - then take the bulk of the cash from the vehicle sales and fund charities that provide services to those in need. Then top it all off with the satisfaction and tax benefits for those who are generous enough to make a way for all of this to happen!


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