Company description
Restaurant, Family Dining, Burgers, Breakfast, Clam Chowder, Fish And Chips, Homemade Soups, Comfort Food, Brunch, Micro Brew
More details
- Payment Accepted
- American Express, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
- Specialities
- Clam Chowder, Breakfast, Burgers, Ribeye that will knock your socks off
- Specialty
- Restaurant, Family Dining, Burgers, Breakfast, Clam Chowder,
- Price Level
- This restaurant's average entree cost is Moderate
- Other Features
- Kid Friendly, Outdoor Seating, Serves Lunch
- Cuisine
- American (Traditional) Coffee Shops/Diners
- Rating
- 72% of 48 people liked it on Urbanspoon
- Atmosphere
- Outdoor Dining, Family / Children
- Features
- Take Out Visa, MC, AmEx, Disc, DC
- Meal Services
- Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Dinner
- Dining Options
- Breakfast, Lunch Specials
- Email
- Service Type
- Sit Down, Carry Out
- Alcohol
- Beer/Wine Only
- Areas Served
- San Francisco
- Reservations
- Not Required
- Neighborhood
- Inner Sunset
- Service Policy
- Not included
- Bar Info
- Beer, Wines
- Feature
- Cheap Eats
- Crossstreets
- @ 9th ave
- Cross Street
- 9th Ave.
- Parking
- Street
- Dress Code
- Casual
- Average Entree
- $6.95
- Year Est.
- 2001
- Cover Charge
- None
- Stars
- 4.2
- Price Range
- $
- Web Site