Creative IT Services

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3514 N Power Rd Ste 121
Mesa AZ 85215
United States
Phone number:
(602) 845-0048
(480) 361-5509

Accepted payments

Cash payment accepted Cheque payment accepted Discover payment accepted Mastercard payment accepted Visa payment accepted

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Company description

Creative IT offers efficient solutions to your most complicated problems. We can streamline your network, setup new equipment, repair your existing equipment or provide a new IT solution to your infrastructure to help you be more efficient and profitable. We offer a multitude of services such as Managed services to help keep your systems running at all times, server setups, repairs and migrations to new systems. Virtualization to keep hardware costs low and offer more flexibility to your IT / Network infrastructure. Networking and cabling to provide your entire office with the data connections it needs. Email support with on site or offsite exchange to give you the most powerful and flexible email setup possible. Pc repair, virus removals, data recovery and even custom builds are offered as well. We strive to have a solutions for ALL your IT and Computer needs, if a service is not listed rest assured we most likely offer it as well feel free to contact us and we can discuss over the phone or email.


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