Company description
For decades architects have relied on Creative Industries to provide bullet resistant windows, deal trays, talk thrus, drawers, and pass thrus when building specifications call for bulletproof products. Our bullet resistant products are often listed as the 'basis of design' in building specifications, and we have a reputation for getting the custom project done right - and on time. Creative Industries also has a long history of supplying bullet resistant windows for tickets to stadiums and arenas of all sizes - from high school stadiums to approximately 25 percent of the major league sports venues around the country. In addition to stadiums, our bullet proof glass is used across several industries including banking, military, retail, convenience, and hospitality. Our bullet resistant glass is built to the highest safety standards on the market today. We custom manufacture orders onsite and have varied selection of patented talk-thrus preferred by many architects and designers. We stand by our promise to meet your requirements for safety and aesthetics.