Company description
Colony One Auto Center, located in Stafford & serving the greater Houston area, is a AAA Authorized repair facility & Blue Seal of Excellence Repair Shop.
More details
- Message
- We are a family owned and operated business that has been serving Ft. Bend county since 1991 and s.w. Houston since 1971. AAA approved Top Shop and a spotless record with BBB. Our staff of ASE technicians and service advisors reccomend ONLY what is needed and provide and provide an estimate before any work is done. We've serviced over 173,000 vehicles since 1991. We actually have the customers best intrest in mind.
- Services
- Auto Services: 24-Hr Towing, After Hrs Drop-Off & Pick-Up, Shuttle Service, Oil Filter & Oil Changes, State Inspections, Maintenance, Engine/Transmission/Overhaul Replacements, A/C & Heating Repair & Diagnostics, Brake Repair & Replacement, Wheel Alignment, Tire Rotation & Balance, Front-End Steering & Suspension Work, Exhaust/Catalytic Converters Repair
- Licensed
- Yes (All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves.)
- Certification
- ASE Blue Seal of Excellence, Angies List Super Service Award, Automotive Service Association Member, Authorized BG Service Provider
- Payment Accepted
- Check, American Express, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
- Features
- Shuttle Service Available, After-Hours Drop Off/Pick Up, BBB Member
- Warranty
- 18 Month/18,000 Miles
- Same Day Repairs
- Yes, in Most Cases
- Free Estimates
- Ask For Details
- Towing Available
- 24 Hour Towing
- Bbb Accredited Business Since
- May 30, 1991
- Date Of Most Recent Report
- 8/25/2010
- On Angie's List Since
- 3/25/2004
- Contact
- Rod Tate
- In Business Since
- 1991
- Web Site