Company description
China Star offers Chinese Restaurants services in Bismarck ND, ND area.
More details
- Details
- Dishes: Beef, Dishes: Pork, Facilities: Salad Bar, Price Information: Free Delivery, Promotions/Offers: Gift Certificates, Service Options: Pick-ups, Service Options: Reservations, Service Options: Take-out, Serving: Groups
- Products
- Beans, Chili, Egg Rolls, Eggs, Garlic Bread, Pineapples, Rice, Salad, Soft Drinks
- Specialty
- Barbecue, Chicken, Seafood, Steak, Sushi
- Rating
- 56% of 30 people liked it on Urbanspoon
- Promotions
- Group Discount, Senior Discount
- Payment Accepted
- Gift Cards and Certificates
- Features
- Buffet, Full Bar
- Facilities
- Banquet Facility
- Atmosphere
- Family Friendly
- Services
- Birthdays
- Cuisine
- Chinese