Company description
The Center For Facial Appearances is a medical practice headed by Dr. John McCann, MD. We specialize in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the eyelids and face. The most common problems we take care of on the cosmetic side of the practice is facial aging. Thanks to many advances in medicine people live longer healthier lives. Our patients often find themselves at an age where the are healthy and feel youthful but the person in the mirror looks older than they feel. Even in young people the downwardly slanted or droopy eyebrows can make one look stern or angry and the bags under the lids can make one look tired. We help people have a face that looks more like they feel. So if your face looks old but you don't feel old we have procedures that can address that. If you look stern, angry, or tired because of the position of the eyebrows or the bags under the lids we have procedures that can help that.