Company description
Bright to Health provides acupuncture services for weight loss, quit smoking, pain management, cosmetic/ facial acupuncture in Chicago. Call us for FREE CONSULTATIONS. We are affordable and we accept insurance. Medicine Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine acupuncture is here.
We are an acupuncture clinic that specializes in pain and stress management. We are here to offer alternative treatment for different health problems. Our goal is to provide unique and individual treatment for all our patients. We are here to help you to achieve maximum wellness with acupuncture.
If you are trying to quit smoking, or your goal is weight loss, Acupuncture clinic Chicago is a good choice. If you would like to look younger without surgery or injections, try acupuncture.
Acupuncture cosmetic protocol can take anywhere from five to ten years of your appearance in a couple of months. We are using ear acupuncture to achieve desired results. We are encouraging you to learn about acupuncture. Don't forgot that every journey starts with a first step, so take your first step that leads you to your own "Bridge to Health". If you are looking for Chinese medicine acupuncture then you are at the right place.
We specialize in following conditions: *Stress relief, *Headache, *Pain Managements, *Neck pain, *Back pain, *Shoulder pain, *Elbow pain, "Tennis Elbow", *Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, *Hip pain, *Leg pain, *Knee pain, *Foot pain, *Facial pain, *Facial palsy, *Sinus congestion/pressure, *Sport related injuries, *Smoking cessation.