Company description
Small Animal Veterinarians emphasizing traditional care with progressive medical practices and focusing on preventative medicine, internal medicine, surgery, & acupuncture
More details
- Service
- Acupuncture, Allergy testing, Alternative Medicine, Behavioral counseling, Cardiology, Dental hygiene and surgery, Dentistry, Dermatology, Diagnostic Testing, Doctors, Herbal Therapy, Hospitalization, Internal medicine, Microchipping, Ophthalmology, Preventative health care, Preventive Care, Rehabilitation, Spay and Neuter, Surgery, Ultrasound, Vaccinations, Wellness exams, Xray
- Services
- acupuncture for animals, acupuncture for cats, acupuncture for dogs, animal acupuncture, animal dermatology, Bones, cat acupuncture, Dermatology, dog acupuncture, Examinations, Hydrotherapy, Neurology, Orthopedics, pet acupuncture, pet dermatology, Testing
- Payment Accepted
- Check, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
- Product
- Pet Accessories, Pet Food, Pet Health Care Products
- Details
- Concerns: Allergies, Facilities: Pool, Pets: Dogs
- Assurances
- Accredited, Certified, Licensed, Locally Owned
- Treatment
- Acupressure, Food Therapy, Herbal Medicine
- Features
- Multi-pet Discount, Senior citizen discount
- Facilities
- Clinic, Hospital, Laboratory, Pharmacy
- Promotions
- Senior Discount, Service Dog Discount
- Products
- Cleaning Supplies, Medication
- Concerns
- Illness, Pain Management
- Veterinary Acupuncture
- Internal Medicine
- Animal
- Cats, Dogs
- Specialty
- Cats, Dogs
- Surgery
- Opthomalogy
- Web Site