Company description
"Baker Bucks offers guided, trophy whitetail hunts on a private hunting preserve in the Missouri Ozarks. Every hunt is all-inclusive and clients can choose to hunt with a rifle, pistol, muzzleloader or bow. We provide lodging, meals, transportation and other amenities on our impressive 3,200 acre ranch. Also enjoy fishing and watersports (great for your family) at our 100 acre lake! The guides at Baker Bucks are very personable and will do everything they can to ensure a safe and enjoyable hunt. After the hunt we provide field dressing and caping. The rustic lodge also has an in-ground swimming pool, outdoor fireplace, courtyard plus WiFi and DirectTV. Our lodge offers seven bedrooms, which can accommodate 10 people and three full bathrooms supplied with all bath products. One bedroom and one bathroom are specially designed to accommodate our handicapped guests. All meals, snacks and non-alcoholic drinks are included, and every meal is home-cooked and freshly prepared for our guests."