Company description
Baja Mamas Party Potions rents Margarita Machines, Frozen Drink Machine, Chocolate Fountains and Shaved Ice Machines for any occasion! We also provide full service Baja Style and Mexican Food catering
More details
- Payment Accepted
- Check, Invoice, American Express, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Paypal, Visa, Google Checkout, Invoice, American Express, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Paypal, Visa, Google Checkout
- Services
- Margarita Machine Rentals, Chocolate Fountain Rentals, Shave Ice Rentals, Nacho Machine Rentals, Popcorn Rentals and Cotton Candy Rentals
- Catering Options
- Taco Bars, Fajita Bars, Baja Cuisine, Traditional BBQ, Mexican Food, Salsas, Appetizers
- Products
- Gourmet Margarita Mix and Cocktail Mix
- Email
- [email protected]
- Web Site