Company description
a tiny bar and cafe featuring curated exhibitions of very small visual art, karaoke every night with 18,000+ songs, and premium wine, beer, sake, liqueurs, liquor, espresso, and bubble tea.
More details
- Payment Accepted
- American Express, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
- Subway
- 4/5/6 to Canal St, N/R to Canal St, J/M/Z to Canal St -- 0.2
- Public Transportation
- 6 to Canal St. N, R, Q, W to Canal St. J, M, Z to Canal St.
- Average Price
- Average drink: $10. AmEx, Disc, MC, V. AmEx, Disc, MC, V.
- Bar Style
- Asian, Karaoke, Neighborhood
- Features
- Karaoke, Specialty Cocktails
- Transit
- 6/J/M/N/Q/R/W/Z to Canal St.
- Email
- Cross Streets
- At Grand St.
- Alcohol
- Full Bar
- Parking
- Street
- Vibe
- Chill
- Door Policy
- Open
- Price Group
- $$
- Web Site