Company description
Dealer and distributer of wireless communications and warning, safety, and emergency products.
More details
- Details
- Assurances: Factory Authorized, Assurances: OSHA Compliant, Assurances: Over 10 Years Experience, Frequency: FRS, Frequency: GMRS, Frequency: UHF, Frequency: VHF, Kinds: Strobe, Markets Served: Commercial, Places: Driveways, Places: Patios, Price Information: Commercial Accounts, Price Information: Free Design, Price Information: Free Estimates, Price Information: Government Contracts, Price Information: Maintenance Contracts, Price Information: Service Contracts, Properties: Police Departments, Reputation: Testimonials, Service Options: Estimates, Service Options: Rush Jobs, Service Options: Service Calls, Service Options: Small Jobs
- Product
- Automotive Electrical Accessories, CB and Ham Radios, Electronic Accessories, Law Enforcement Equipment, Parts and Supplies, Radios
- Products
- Bendix King, Brakes, Computers, Kenwood, Lighting, Shed Slabs, Spa Pads, Two-way Radios
- Payment Accepted
- American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Personal Checks, Visa
- Assurances
- Insured, Locally Owned, References Available, Warranties
- Services
- Contractors, Customizing, Finishing, Small Yardage
- Buying Options
- Custom Orders, New, Rent and Lease, Used
- Promotions
- Coupons, Group Discount, Military Discount
- Service
- Installation, Maintenance, Repair
- Type
- Commercial, Residential
- Email
- Vehicle
- Truck Accessories
- Bbb Accredited Business Since
- Dec 27, 2007
- Web Site