Company description
According to the latest statistics, nearly 18 million U.S. residents have had mental health issues over the past year. Likewise, four million of these people have had to cope with drug or alcohol abuse at the same time. Having supportive professional help is of utmost importance, especially if you're dealing with both of these issues. Luckily, our detox rehab Florida professionals have managed to create a dual diagnoses plan which addresses both diseases and helps patients deal with them simultaneously. We offer different kinds of therapy, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, motivational interviewing, process groups, and individual therapy, all in one place. Our staff combines therapy with medically-assisted treatment to get you the best chances for success. No matter if you're dealing with depression, conduct disorder, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, trauma, or schizotypal disorder along with addiction, we'll guide you to sobriety and wellness steadily. Reach out to our drug and alcohol detox Florida center and take the first step toward recovery.
More details
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- Established in:
- 2001
- Payment Methods:
- ACH xfer, wire, credit cards, check
- Website: