
Scottsdale AZ 85254
United States
Phone number:
(480) 607-4948

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Company description

We know that time is money. That's why the convenience of a circuit is so important. You start your workout when it's convenient for YOU! Most places charge $50 or more per hour for a trainer, at 9Round you get unlimited workouts with a trainer for around $50/month!! Plus you can workout when it's convenient for you without having to worry about silly class times! A new round starts every 3 minutes!Each of the 9 rounds is different, challenging, and fun. From learning how to jump rope to hitting the speed bag, you will never get bored. The 30 minutes will be over before you know it. Our members can't stop saying, "This is the Best workout I have ever had." That's because you will work every muscle in your body simultaneously, with no complicated machines or silly aerobic routines. The best part is a trainer is with you every step of the way to motivate and push you so you see results FAST!!


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